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  Cayo Coco
  ab 59.00 €/Nacht
  Cayo Largo
  ab 36.00 €/Nacht
  Santiago de Cuba
  ab 24.00 €/Nacht
  Cayo Guillermo
  ab 76.00 €/Nacht

  Rückkehr zum Suchergebnis
reservieren Sie
Trekking - 7 Pakete nach verschiedene Hotelsangebot
TREKKING "Santiago de Cuba"
Preis:  ab 706.00 €/Reisender
Dauer:  8 Tage/7 Nächte
Transfer:  Ja - Taxi
VIP:  Nein

allgemeine Beschreibung

Day 1: Arrival at Antonio Maceo International Airport, Santiago de Cuba. Transfer to either Hotel San Juan or Las Américas. Check-in. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 2: Breakfast. Visit to the valle de la Prehistoria with an impressive collection of life-sized stone reproductions of animals from the Jurassic era. Transfer to Costa Morena

Hotel. Check-in. Lunch. A 2-3 km afternoon hike to El laberinto de la Caoba, a collection of enormous rocks forming a beautiful and capricious labyrinth where we will look for

the famous centenary Caoba tree (Swietenia mahagoni). Visit to the Cueva de la C and the Sitio del tesoro. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 3: Breakfast. Hike through the jungly coastal hills to La Escondida y Cajobabo beaches. Swim. Packed country style lunch at the beach. Return to the hotel. Dinner.

Evening free.

Day 4: Breakfast. Transfer to the Sierra de la gran Piedra, a protected natural area. Check-in at the Gran Piedra Motel. Climb on foot to the Mirador natural, look-out point

situated at 1234 meters above the sea levelon top of an enormous 75,000 ton weighing rock. Descent on the track that leads to El Establo (two hours). Return to the hotel.

Lunch. Afternoon visit to the Cafetal Isabelica Museum, Cultural Heritage Site. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 5: Breakfast. Hike through the botanical garden, The Finca Manantiales vivarium and Los Olivos, remains of a 19th century coffee plantation (8-10 km, 4 hours). Packed

lunch. Return to the hotel. Afternoon free. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 6: Breakfast. Hike through the Platón area. Continuation to the remains of the Kentucky and La Gran Sofía French coffee plantations which are among the best

preserved in all of Cuba and entirely surrounded by woods (12-14 km, 4-5 hours). Lunch on site. Return to the hotel. Farewell dinner. Evening free.

Day 7: Breakfast. Transfer to the city of Santiago de Cuba. Tour of the center, including visits to the Rum House, The Céspedes Park, Enramada Street and other interesting

parts. Visit to the Castillo San Pedro de la Roca, Cultural Herutage Site. Lunch at El Morro restaurant. Check-in at either Hotel San Juan or Las Américas. Afternoon free for

shopping or last minute visits of own choice. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 8: Breakfast. Transfer to Santiago airport and return to country of origin.

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 RT Madrid - Havanna Hauptstadt 599.00 €
 RT Madrid - Varadero 610.00 €
 RT Caracas - Havanna Hauptstadt 390.00 €
 RT Londres - Havanna Hauptstadt 699.00 €
 RT Bogotá - Havanna Hauptstadt 395.00 €

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