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reservieren Sie
Exploring Cuba - 7 Pakete nach verschiedene Hotelsangebot
"Thematic Circuit: In the Wake of Humboldt "
Preis:  ab 838.00 €/Reisender
Dauer:  8 Tage/7 Nächte
Transfer:  Ja - Taxi
VIP:  Nein

allgemeine Beschreibung

Day 1: Arrival at José Martí International Airport, Havana. Transfer to your hotel. Check-in. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 2: Breakfast. Special tour of the places Humbolt visited during the time he lived in Havana. Visit to the Alexander Humbolt Museum, located in the heart of the historic

center, the Santa Clara convent, the cathedral, etc. Lunch at La Terraza de Cojímar restaurant, one of Ernest Hemingway's favourites some four decades ago. Continuation

of the tour through the villages of Guanabacoa and Regla where Humbolt did his ethnological and mineralogical studies. Return to the hotel. Dinner. Evening program with the

9 o'clock sharp cannon shot ceremony at the Castillo de San Carlos de la Cabaña, a tradition since the XVI century.

Day 3: Breakfast. Transfer by coach to Guines. Tour of the city center and the Municipal Museum where specialists will talk about Humbolt's influence on the area. Visit to

the Loma de la Candela look-out point and its caves, with spectacular views of this rural area around the city of Guines where Humbolt studied the economic aspects of the

cultivation of sugar cane. Visit to the remains of La Alejandría Sugar Mill. Departure to Montemar Natural Park on the Zapata peninsula. Lunch at the Fiesta Campesina

country house. Boat trip on the Tesoro Laguna. Check-in at Hotel Guamá. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 4: Breakfast. Visit to La Salina wild life refuge to enjoy its flora and wide variety of autochthonous and migratory birds. Packed lunch. Return to Hotel Guamá. Dinner.

Evening free.

Day 5: Breakfast. Departure to the city of Trinidad. Stop at the botanical garden of Cienfuegos. View of Jagua Bay from the city pier. Lunch. Continuation to Trinidad.

Check-in and dinner at Hotel Las Cuevas or Costa Sur. Evening free.

Day 6: Breakfast. Special tour of places Humbolt visited in the historic center of Trinidad, Cultural Heritage Site. Tour includes visits to De la Popa church, Humbolt's house,

and the Anthropology Museum, among other places. Lunch at Torre Iznaga restaurant in Los Ingenios Valley. Return to the hotel. Afternoon free. Dinner. Evening at the

Cueva de Ayala discotheque situated in a gigantic cave.

Day 7: Breakfast. Excursion to nearby María Aguilar beach. Return to the hotel. Lunch. Transfer to your hotel in Havana. Check-in. Dinner. Evening free.

Day 8: Breakfast. Transfer to Havana airport and return to country of origin.

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  Mercedes Benz C200
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  Hyundai Elantra
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 RT Madrid - Havanna Hauptstadt 599.00 €
 RT Madrid - Varadero 610.00 €
 RT Caracas - Havanna Hauptstadt 390.00 €
 RT Londres - Havanna Hauptstadt 699.00 €
 RT Bogotá - Havanna Hauptstadt 395.00 €

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